
Prologue and Introduction to Part 1 of The Fortune Seekers

Many people experience a sense of dissatisfaction with life, often happening for no particular reason, or due to deep questions needing answering.

Objectively, a person may deal with the obstacles holding him back, after doing some serious introspection, before striding off into the unknown, empowered by a wanderlust spirit as they go.

It is said, one person in four is born with the gene of wanderlust.

Labelled: DRD4-7R – it is the responsible gene where an inheritor thinks outside of the proverbial ‘box’. This risk-taking capacity endowed and propelled our forefathers over centuries.

Once ignited, the wanderlust-charged person follows his whims in a headlong, expeditious journey, discovering who he is and what he believes as his/her life unfolds.

The gene was inherited by both Dan and Charlotte, who are the maternal/paternal great-grandparents of many.

Our story begins with Dan Mathews – born in 1837 in Pembrokeshire, South Wales, Great Britain. We begin in the year 1853.

May those of you who inherited the wanderlust gene relish the journey, as for some of you, in many ways this is your own story. You may be surprised to discover something new about why you do the things you do.

Published by Glennis Browne (Annie Browne)

New Zealand author, blogging and researcheing family trees. I write fiction ally about historical families, focusing on the challenges, social issues and indiscretions that caused major disruptions in ancestors lives. My aim is to create realistic reality by bringing greater understanding to our generation. Follow The Journeys of the Fortune Seekers Series of novels written by Annie Browne. Book 4 underway. I also write as Glennis Browne.

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